CSLSA Meeting BOD - Fall 2024 Meeting Agenda - DRAFT

The CSLSA holds two Board of Director meetings each year, one in April and the other in October. At these meetings, delegates and representatives from the 30 CSLSA Chapters conduct business in several areas. By Committee the CSLSA shares educational and innovative material, promotes professional lifeguard standards, seeks sponsorships in various forms, supports other related aquatic safety organizations and discusses other related topics.

Event Calendar and Future Meetings

Past CSLSA Board of Directors' meeting minutes.

Approximately two weeks after each CSLSA meeting, CSLSA delegates and representatives attend a USLA Board of Director meetings held each year, also held two times per year in May and November. These meetings are national in scope with the same open water lifesaving objectives, goals and mission. A total of seven regions including the CSLSA support the USLA.

CSLSA MEETING AGENDA - General Information

Generally, each of the CSLSA meetings begin on Thursday morning and conclude mid-day on Friday. Special presentations, awards, equipment and product demonstrations and sponsors occurs before and during the lunch break on Thursday. Each CSLSA meeting has the following Agenda format:

Agenda Format

I. Call the meeting to order.

    A. Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Welcome and introductions of those present
    C. Roll call of Chapter delegates

II. Approval of the previous CSLSA meeting minutes

III. Officer’s reports

    A. Certification
    B. Exchanges
    C. International lifesaving
    D. Junior lifeguards
    E. Legislation
    F. Lifesaving Sport and Fitness
    G. Membership
    H. Newsletter (Cal Surf News)
    I.  Public education
    J. Special awards and presentations
    K. Training
    L. Website

V. Special presentations (awards, sponsors, equipment and product)

VI. Committee workshops and follow-up reports as needed

VII. Old business

VIII. New business

IX. Future meeting dates and locations

X. Adjournment